MOVEit is a wellness program that encourages an active lifestyle using Fitbit devices to track user steps. MOVEit consists of monthly individual challenges and multiple team challenges throughout the year. This is an official long-term wellness program that may be joined at any time. Official participants may consist of Nussbaum employees and their spouses.

MOVEit is a wellness program that encourages an active lifestyle using Fitbit devices to track user steps. MOVEit consists of monthly individual challenges and multiple team challenges throughout the year. This is an official long-term wellness program that may be joined at any time. Official participants may consist of Nussbaum employees and their spouses.

Participants are rewarded with points that are redeemable for prizes from our MOVEit Catalog.

Nussbaum is providing Discounted Fitbit trackers to all employees AND their spouses. To receive your unique purchase codes, head to the Join MOVEit page.


Monthly Individual Challenges

Every month begins a new individual step challenge. All participants will be challenged to achieve an average step goal ranging between 5,000 and 15,000 steps per day for the entire month.

5,000 Daily Step Average = 1 point

7,500 Daily Step Average = 2 points

10,000 Daily Step Average = 3 points

12,500 Daily Step Average = 4 points

15,000 Daily Step Average = 5 points

(Points are not awarded for each level reached, only the highest level achieved.)

Team Challenges

Team challenges vary in duration and will be fun and intense as everyone works to get the most steps. Rules and point awards will be outlined for each challenge as point totals may vary between challenges.


Redeem your points for great rewards. Points never expire, so you can let them accumulate to redeem for more valuable rewards including a day of vacation!

A weekly snapshot will be emailed showing your current averages and available points.

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